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Tussock Grasses - photos

Boardwalk photo
Central Plateau photo
Tussock & Tarn photo
>Rangipo Desert photo
Rangipo photo
Central Plateau photo
Central Plateau photo
Central Plateau photo
Otago Hills photo
Central Plateau photo
Central Plateau photo
Otago Tussock photo

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About Tussock Grasses

Approximately 10% of New Zealand's landscape is high country covered in tussock grasses. Tussock is usually found at higher altitudes than forest and just below the snow line of mountains. Prominent areas of tussock include the South Islands McKenzie Country and the Central Plateau of the North Island. Some grasses such as snow grass can reach as high as 2 metres (6½ feet).

Most tussock plains in the South Island allow for views of mountains and in the North Island, tussock surrounds a number of the volcanoes in Tongariro National Park in the Central Plateau.





Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual New Zealand). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
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