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Rotorua Bath House - photos

Rotorua Bath House photo
Rotorua Bath House photo
Gardener's Cottage photo
Rotorua Bath House photo
Rotorua Bath House photo
Rotorua Bath House photo
Rotorua Bath House photo
Rotorua Bath House photo

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About Rotorua Bath House

Bath House was known as the Great South Seas Spa when it opened in 1908. It was extremely popular and offered up to 70,000 baths and 30,000 treatments such as massage, mud baths, and electrical therapy per year.

During and after the First World War, Rotorua's mineral pools were used by soldiers to help them recover from wounds. Rotorua’s Bath House spa also helped pioneer areas of physiotherapy with swimming for exercise and while taking weight off injured limbs.

A couple of years after WWII, the bath house was in decline and in 1963 it was taken over by the Rotorua City Council who conseqently turned the building into the Rotorua Museum in 1969 with the Rotorua Art Gallery in 1977. In 1989 they combined and became the Rotorua Museum of Art and History.

Although there are no more mineral baths, Rotorua offers many other places where you can bathe in hot spring water.





Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual New Zealand). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
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