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Wellington West Coast - photos

Titahi Bay photo
Papakowhai View photo
Pauatahanui Inlet photo
Titahi Bay photo
Boat Sheds photo
Titahi Bay photo
Titahi Bay photo
Boat Sheds photo
Rocky Bay photo
Onehunga Bay photo
Mana Island photo
Titahi Bay Beach photo
Titahi Bay photo
Paremata View photo
Rural Mana Island View photo
Titahi Bay View photo
Whiby View photo
Pauatahanui Inlet photo
Titahi Bay photo
Spinnaker Hill View photo

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About Wellington West Coast

Wellington's west coast lies south of the Kapiti Coast. The coastline is generally rocky with high hills often reaching to the shoreline. There are few bays and two large inlets near Porirua and Paremata. The more predominant bays include Titahi Bay, Plimmerton, and Makara.

Titahi Bay is one kilometre from end to end. Surfing is a popular activity as the beach break can be surfed on all tides during periods of onshore winds.

Plimmerton in north west Wellington is a township with a fairly sheltered and gently graded beach. The beach is popular with windsurfers and some world champions have trained here.

Makara Beach to the south is exposed to prevailing north-westerly gales. Its accessibility from Wellington, particularly nearby Karori and Johnsonville (via the Ohariu Valley) means that it is a favourite place to escape suburbia and experience the wild side of nature.

More Photos

Titahi Bay photo
Mana Island photo
Porirua Harbour photo
Titahi Bay photo





Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual New Zealand). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
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