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Daintree National Park - photos

Daintree River photo
Daintree River photo
Mossman River photo
Mossman River photo
Rainforest photo
Mossman River photo
Stream photo
Coastal tree photo
Mossman River photo
Mossman River photo
Daintree River photo
Rainforest photo
Daintree River photo
Rainforest photo
River photo
River photo
Mossman River photo
Daintree River photo

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About Daintree National Park

Daintree National Park is home to the oldest rainforest on Earth. The park is part of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area and contains lush tropical vegetation, coral reefs, and the northern section of the Great Dividing Range.

Cape Tribulation (a coastal section of Daintree National Park) contains protected beaches and reefs. The land rises steeply behind the coast to Thornton Peak which provides a variety of eco-systems supporting a high diversity of plants and wildlife. From lowland and upland rainforests, swamps and mangroves, as well as heathland, the diversity of vegetation here is rich. Rare animals here include the southern cassowary, Bennett's tree-kangaroo, and the giant white-tailed rat.

The local aboriginal people are the Kuku Yalanji who call Cape Tribulation, “Kulki”. Cape Tribulation was named by Captain Cook in 1770 after his ship ran aground on the reef. Even though he had to park his boat for repairs that took nearly 2 months, he did have the distinction of being the first European to discover the Great Barrier Reef.

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Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual Australia). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
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